Flammkuchen Flammkuchen (pronounced flam-KOOK-en) comes from South Germany and the Alsace region of Translated 'flame cake,' flammkuchen were originally used by bakers to test the temperature of their. My friend Felix from Munich frequently impresses guests with his delicious Flammkuchen, a type of. The traditional Flammkuchen is topped with creme fraiche, Speck (bacon), and Or take the Flammkuchen into a different direction with slices of pear and goat cheese.

Zutaten von Flammkuchen

  1. 200 g of Mehl Typ 405.
  2. 100 g of Wasser.
  3. 1 EL of Öl.
  4. 1 TL of Salz.
  5. 1 Prise of Zucker.
  6. 100 g of Gouda.
  7. 1 Becher of Creme fraiche.
  8. 100 g of Schinkenwürfel.
  9. 1-2 of Zwiebeln.

Anleitung Flammkuchen

  1. Backofen auf 250 Grad Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen..
  2. Mehl, Wasser, Öl, Salz und Zucker zu einem Teig kneten..
  3. Teig ausrollen auf einem Blech oder Stein, mit Creme fraiche bestreichen..
  4. Schinkenwürfel, Zwiebeln in Ringen, Gouda geraspelt darauf verteilen..
  5. Ca. 20 Minuten knusprig backen auf unterster Schiene. Guten Appetit! 😋.

Flammkuchen in German (or tarte flambée in French) comes from the Alsace region of France. (The name literally means "flaming pie/tart/cake".) Classic flammkuchen toppings include: crème fraîche. Call it what you want, Flammkuchen, German Pizza, Tarte Flambée or French Pizza. The original Flammkuchen is the one with just French cream cheese, thinly sliced onion and bacon. Download Flammkuchen stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos, images and pictures at reasonable prices. Kurz vor dem Servieren noch etwas, in Röllchen geschnittenen, Schnittlauch auf den Flammkuchen streuen.

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