Risotto Funghi In Italy, risotto ai funghi, or Mushroom Risotto, is often made with fresh porcini mushrooms in season, but porcini can be hard to find elsewhere—and are always very expensive. Other wild mushrooms will work quite well. Personally, I find chanterelles are a particular fine choice,.

Zutaten von Risotto Funghi

  1. 300 gr of Champignons.
  2. 200 gr of Reis.
  3. 50 gr of Butter.
  4. 1 of kleine Zwiebel.
  5. 1 Zehe of Knoblauch.
  6. 50-100 gr of Parmigiano.
  7. 500-700 ml of Gemüsebrühe.
  8. of Pfeffer.
  9. of Salz.
  10. of Petersilie.
  11. 1 EL of Olivenöl.

Schritt für Schritt Risotto Funghi

  1. Zwiebel und Knoblauch schälen, fein würfeln und in der Pfanne mit Reis in Butter und Olivenöl glasig dünsten..
  2. Pilze putzen und in dünne Scheiben schneiden und dazugeben. Nach 5 min Gemüsebrühe langsam dazugeben und köcheln lassen. Es darf nicht zu trocken werden und auch nicht sehr flüssig sein, sondern leicht klebrig. Dann ist es fertig. Mit gehackter Petersilie und Parmigiano servieren. Buen apetito..

This Italian dish is traditionally made with porcini mushrooms, however, shiitake and portabellini mushrooms are used here. The resulting risotto is delicious rich and well flavoured. Enjoy with a side salad or garlic bread, if desired. A rich and creamy risotto that is flavoured with a mixture of fresh mushrooms and dried porcini, seasoned with Parmigiano Reggiano. E ngland was such a joy for me but never more so than when I discovered the many forests and woods full of fungi.

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