Mango-Bananen Smoothie The cups come with tops, so you just need to screw on the top and take your smoothie with you when you're on the go! How to Make this Mango Banana Smoothie - Step by Step. Smoothies are best way to enjoy fresh fruits and summer.

Zutaten von Mango-Bananen Smoothie

  1. 200 g of Mango.
  2. 1 of gefrorene Banane.
  3. 2 of Kugeln Vanilleeis.
  4. 50 ml of Milch oder Mandelmilch.
  5. 1-2 EL of Honig oder Agavendicksaft.
  6. of Dekoration (optional).
  7. 1 of Mango.

Anleitung Mango-Bananen Smoothie

  1. Alle Zutaten in den Mixer geben und alles gut mixen..
  2. Den Smoothie in ein Glas geben. Nun das Glas mit einer Mango dekorieren..

Mango Banana Smoothie Recipe Do you know my husband isn't a huge fan of smoothies? That's shocking, I know, … Delicious. The other is the rare banana bread. By the way, besides the honey, banana and mango, I also add yogurt and orange juice and a bit of milk to get the perfect pourability. Thankfully, this Healthy Mango Banana Smoothie is pretty much the beach and sun in a glass and is a great way to think about warmer days ahead!

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