Taste of Home Hot Dog Sliders with Mango-Pineapple Salsa For parties, we shrink lots of foods to slider size, including these quick hot dogs.
Pile on the easy but irresistible fruit salsa for a burst of fresh flavor.
I make mango salsa all the time, yet it just occurred to me that I had yet to post a classic homemade mango salsa recipe here on the blog.
Zutaten von Mangosalsa
- 1 of Mango.
- 2 of Schalotten.
- 5 of Tomaten.
- 2 EL of Limettensaft.
- of Salz.
- of Pfeffer.
- of Koriander.
- of Chili.
- 1 TL of Essig.
Anleitung Mangosalsa
- Schalotten, Tomaten und Mango klein schneiden und mischen..
- Limettensaft, Essig und Gewürze dazu..
- Mind. 2h ziehen lassen..
Squeeze in lime juice and add salt and sugar if needed. Serve within an hour with tortilla chips or on top of chicken or fish. This is what we love about home canning - It can feel like summer all year long with this tropical salsa!. When the grocery store has mangoes on sale, we stock up and water bath can this delicious no tomato salsa. Serve with any meat dish, or as a beautiful side dish.
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