It's tangy, sweet, and even adds a bit.
This Caprese Pasta is full of fresh ingredients and so easy to make.
For this caprese pasta recipe, I took some inspiration from the abundance of ripe cherry tomatoes that are available this time of year.
Zutaten von Pasta Caprese
- 500 g of Spaghetti.
- 500 g of passierte Tomaten.
- 1 of Zwiebel.
- 1 EL of Olivenöl.
- 125 g of Cherrytomaten.
- 1 of Mozzarella.
- 1 Handvoll of Basilikum.
- of Salz.
- of Pfeffer.
- of Parmesan.
Anleitung Pasta Caprese
- Die Nudeln al dente kochen..
- Währenddessen die Zwiebel in heißem Öl anschwitzen. Die passierten Tomaten dazugeben und würzen. Die Cherrytomaten vierteln, den Basilikum hacken und die Mozzarella klein schneiden..
- Erst die Tomaten zu der Soße geben, kurz ziehen lassen und dann die restlichen Zutaten dazu und gut vermengen..
- Das ganze mit Parmesan servieren..
Caprese pasta salad made with juicy tomatoes, marinated fresh mozzarella cheese, fragrant fresh basil, and a mouthwatering homemade. Creamy Caprese Pasta - A delicious pasta bake covered in creamy tomato sauce and bubbly mozzarella. I love the flavors in the classic caprese salad, so I decided make this fun pasta variation. My Caprese Pasta Salad is simple and delicious, full of tender pasta, juicy tomatoes, chunks of fresh Mozzarella and a tangy Balsamic Vinaigrette. This Caprese Pasta Salad has a classic combination of fresh tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella This pasta salad is very simple, but the caprese combination shouldn't be messed with too much.
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