How to Make Halibut Ceviche with Mango and Avocado: Start with the absolute freshest halibut you can find.
This summery avocado and mango ceviche is the perfect dinner for the warmer nights!
Once fish is marinated, lightly toss in cilantro, mango and avocado to coat.
Zutaten von Mango und Avocado Ceviche (vegan)
- 1/3 Tasse of rote Zwiebeln, fein geschnitten.
- 1/4 Tasse of Schnittlauch, fein geschnitten.
- 1/3 Tasse of Koriander, fein geschnitten.
- 1/3 Tasse of süße rote oder gelbe Paprika, fein geschnitten.
- 1 of Tomate, in kleinen Würfeln.
- Saft von 1 1/2 of Zitronen.
- 2 of Mangos, in kleinen Würfeln.
- 2 of Avocados, in kleinen Würfeln.
- 1 Prise of Salz und Pfeffer.
Anleitung Mango und Avocado Ceviche (vegan)
- In einer Schüssel alle genannten Zutaten miteinander mischen, diese dann würzen und alles gut ziehen lassen. Die Mango und Avocado Ceviche für 10 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen und dann genießen..
This tasty and refreshing ceviche can be prepared quickly, without fuss. It's ideal for serving as a starter or as the main dish when accompanied by tostones or platanutres Try These Next. This sweet and tart mango shrimp ceviche recipe makes for a light and healthy meal. A sweet and tart shrimp ceviche recipe that makes for a light and healthy meal. If you have friends coming over, turn it into a party dish and serve with plantain chips!
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