The homemade German Fleischsalat is originally made with a ring of bologna, but also tastes delicious with sliced bologna.
The taste of the Fleischsalat will depend in part on the kind of pickles and mayonnaise used.
Fleischsalat by: D von Eisenach My mother was a native German and a chef.
Zutaten von Fleischsalat
- 200 g of Fleischwurst.
- 120 g of Gewürzgurke.
- Salatsoße: of .
- 150 g of Joghurt.
- 50 g of Mayonnaise.
- of Petersilie.
- 1 El of Apfelessig.
Anleitung Fleischsalat
- Fleischwurst und Gurke kleinschneiden. Für die Salatsoße die restlichen Zutaten miteinander mischen..
- Evtl. noch mit Salz, Pfeffer und Essig abschmecken..
Here is a list and gallery of pictures. Fleischsalat Thin strips of meat, cheese and pickles with a flavorful creamy dressing. Chopped Fleiscshsalat This is a vinaigrette based Fleischsalat that is flavored with onions, and parsley. A good dark bread is a great platform for Fleischsalat, like an open face sandwich. I used the chopped Fleischsalat and added a touch of sour cream to the mix.
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