When I first heard about vegan french toast, I really had no clue how you could make this happen.
I mean french toast is just so….eggy.
Finally a vegan french toast recipe that is easy to make and actually works!
Zutaten von Veganes French Toast
- 3 EL of Kichererbsenmehl.
- 1 EL of Hefeflocken.
- 0.5 TL of Zimt.
- 1 EL of Ahornsirup.
- 120 ml of Sojamilch.
- 5 Scheiben of Toast.
- of Sonnenblumenöl.
Schritt für Schritt Veganes French Toast
- Das Kichererbsenmehl mit dem Zimt, den Hefeflocken, dem Ahornsirup und der Milch verquirlen..
- Etwas Öl in einer beschichteten Pfanne auf hoher Stufe erhitzen. Nacheinander die Toasts in der Milchmischung wenden und in der Pfanne von beiden Seiten goldbraun braten..
- Mit Ahorn-, Reis- oder Agavensirup und Obst nach Wahl garnieren und genießen..
If you are looking for a classic tasting vegan French toast recipe. Unlike many vegan French toast recipes that use gritty flax seed and gloppy corn starch as a replacement for the eggs, I use a chickpea flour batter that soaks into the bread. Vegan French Toast. featured in The Perfect Vegan Breakfast. Serve the French toast warm topped with a dollop of coconut whipped cream, a drizzle of maple syrup, raspberries, and blueberries. A great eggless French Toast recipe.
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